What is BosonBerry?

The Tiny Hadron Collider “Boson”


BosonBerry Studios is named after the late, great Tiny Hadron Collider (aka Boson), the most fabulous black shih tzu that ever lived.  He was named after the theoretical particle that the Large Hadron Collider could "break the universe" trying to create, because he broke the universe of our older dog, who was used to being an "only child".

Boson was eternally chill, yet fierce when he needed to be. He accepted mothering from his little sister, Lilly, while putting up with NONE of older brother Komo's BS. When Jim spent a season working nights, he was my defender from every bump in the night. And I mean EVERY. But when Jim was home, he snored like a chainsaw. When his human brothers came along, he was always polite when it came to their toddler antics, and when he had enough, he would gracefully exit to the master bedroom.

He continued to be happy-go-lucky, even as he aged and his eyesight faded. He became more cuddly with Jim, his favorite person. After a brief illness, he passed away at the age of 12, just as we were starting our business, which we then named in his honor. He had many nicknames, but "BosonBerry" was always our favorite.

We want to embody his spirit in everything we do at BosonBerry Studios. We chose "Studios" because we’re so excited to make ALL THE THINGS. We want everything we create to bring you joy. We want it to be beautiful. And we want be fierce in our desire to do our very best.  Because that's what Boson did.

Meet the Humans

Jim and Nickie Fletcher are the creators of BosonBerry Studios.  Both enjoy bringing their backgrounds (Jim in software engineering, Nickie in art and graphic design) into the process to create quirky, fun and imaginative designs with the help of their robot sweatshop. They have been married since 2007, and are parents to four boys.